FIT 3D Body Scanner
Our Fit3D Body scanner provides you with a body analysis comprising hundreds of metrics and images in one 40 second scan. It’s super easy to use, and the confidential analytics are sent directly to your email, or a handy app, to help you identify issues and monitor your progress. Ideally you can share this data with your PT who’ll help you with programs to achieve your fitness goals. Scan every few months to monitor the changes in your posture, body fat, muscle tone and weight.
FIT 3D Body Scanner
FIT 3D Body Scanner is for just about anybody! There’s this old saying if you can measure it, you can improve it. It’s a great thing to know from the get-go – “here’s where I am and have something to compare it to over time.”
3D Body Composition Scanner
Scans 360 Degrees & Creates 3D Avatar
Over 400 Measurements in 40 Seconds
Body Shape Analysis
Circumferences, Lengths, Contours, Widths, Surface Areas & Volume
Neck, Chest, Bust, Biceps, Forearm, Waist, Hips, Thigh, Calf
Body Shape Wellness Score
Body Composition Analysis (DEXA Algorithm)
Body Fat%, Body Fat Mass, Lean Mass
Posture Analysis
4 Point Weight Scale For Accurate Weighing
Cloud & Web Based Platform
Measure, Track & See Results
Digital 3D Body Avatars
With one 40 second scan, Fit3D creates a full digital 3D body double of the user.
Body Composition
Accurate anthropometric based body composition (lean and fat body mass).
Posture and Weight
Fit3D automatically processes body measurements, weight, balance, and posture analytics.
Cloud Reporting
Your members and coaches can securely access their data and reports from any device.
a FIT3D body scan is a good start
ActiveCare Physical Therapy® offers FIT3D Body Scans, which provide 3D body images with body part measurements, body fat percentage, posture and balance. This 3D body scanner can help you reach your health and fitness goals. Each scan can be compared to previous scans which shows trackable changes in your path to health, weight loss and wellness.
The FIT3D body scan takes only 40 seconds. There is nothing invasive. Each scan uses cameras to take a 3 dimensional image of your body. Anyone with metal implants, pacemakers or pregnancy are clear to take the scan. The FIT3D scan will show a full outline of your body’s dimension across three planes of space (your avatar).
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